Nov 2013: This has been lying around for a while now maybe time to finish it.
April 2013: My thoughts on the Boston Marathon bombing.
It is a tragedy that some people feel the need to hurt other people to make themselves heard. Bombings and violence do not solve anything. At best it makes a point about something or other but if you do not claim responsibility and state your issue then your voice is mute and all that remains are shattered lives, shattered bodies, a group outraged people and a year's worth of increased security checks at airports.
What should our reaction be to "senseless" violence?
Our initial reaction is of course shock and horror that the act has taken place. Commiseration with those that are affected follows shortly thereafter. Facebook and Google+ statuses get updated, Candles lit (even if they are virtual), T-shirts worn (or not), Ribbons hauled out. But does all of this address violence in general and this bombing in particular? Does it make a difference to the perpetrators of violence? Does it make a difference to those affected? I think the answer is: "Very little". We seem to be hiding in our cave (virtual or otherwise) and are too afraid of doing something. But can we actually do something?
Where do we (as a global community) go from here?
I think our reaction not be more substantial, more visible, more active.
Nov 2013:
There is a need for us all to see our fellow man (or woman) and help out where we can. Do small acts of kindness. Not out of pity but as a gesture of helpfulness.